Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This Time tomorrow

This time tomorrow I will be sitting on an airplane headed for Ghana. Yes, HEADED FOR GHANA, GOING TO GET MY BABIES!!! It still seems so very unreal. However, it is very true. We got visa approval on Monday afternoon and we are on our way. Right now, my family is sleeping as my sweet husband prepares to fly to Boston at 6 am. He is headed to a job interview. The children and I will finish packing. Then, Marms (Righ's mom) and the boys will take Sydney and I to the airport. I am so excited I can barely stand it. Our God is so incredibly awesome that it is breathtaking! In 36 hours I will be holding my babies in my arms!

We are on another mission while we are in Ghana, too. We have 8 suitcases full of donations to be handed out to the children. Stay posted for updates on all the things God has provided. You will be amazed. :)


Alysa said...

Praise God! Every child deserves to have parents so excited to have and hold them. I am certain that this excitement you feel is exactly as God designed.

linds said...

so excited friend!