New shirts! We have new shirts to sell for our adoption and also our dear friends, Chad and Stephanie Bowling.
As all of you know, we brought Samuel and Helen home almost 10 months ago. It was a faith walk for us (as most of you know from personal experience). We watched God provide every penny for them. From fundraisers to garage sales to cutting off our cable and other budget stuff, God made it happen. He is faithful and He funds what He favors!!!
When we started this second adoption 3 months after bringing them home, my first question was, "How can I mother 7 children?" My 2nd, "How can we afford this?" A few months ago, I was out for a girls night out and expressed to a sweet friend of mine about my concerns. I knew God would provide, but had momentarily lost my focus. She gave me this awesome shirt design. As I thought more and more about it, I realized what an awesome idea it is.
You see, this sweet girl

and her brother were WORTH THE WAIT. What better shirt for her to be in??? And for me, it is so WORTH THE WAIT for my sweet children to come home from Africa.
By the way for those of you who are wondering, this is not me, but my Sydney with Helen.
So, we are selling these shirts for $22 each and that includes shipping. All proceeds will go to bring 4 sweet children home from Ghana, Africa. A boy and girl for the Bowlings and 2 boys for us. We will post pics of our treasures as soon as we all pass court. In the meantime, here's a "glimpse".

If you want to order, click the sidebar. We have youth sizes and unisex adult sizes. These shirts are a tri-blend so they are extra soft. If there is enough interest, I will order some onesies so please let me know if you would like one. The x-small youth runs a little big right now.
Thanks to each of you for being on this journey with us, but ALSO we are thankful to walk your journeys with you!!!
OMGosh Kristie...these are AWESOME!!! I absolutely MUST have them for C & M. You've actually met my kiddos (albeit nearly a year ago)...what sizes should I order for them? Thanks!
I am having a hard time ordering the youth size (for Levi). Leave it to me to have technical difficulties ;) When I click on the "add to cart" button, it does not take me to Paypal?
They turned out A.DOR.A.BLE!!
Christy, I would say Xsmall and small. They run a little big. :)
Thanks friend! Order placed. :)
I would love to order two of these shirts for my little ones. They were recently adopted from the DRC. They are both in a 2T. Size suggestions? Let me know how to proceed.
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