As most of you know, our trip to Ghana was twofold. Mainly, to meet our sweet kids and bond with me. Secondly, to minister to the least of these. One day we were tired and just didn't know what to do. We felt like our African children could not handle running around Accra all day so we took a short trip to the mall. Very American mall! We were going to get lunch at the food court (with pizza!!) and get some groceries. Well, after finishing eating and it had been a very trying lunch, to say the least, everyone needed to use the bathroom. I took Helen and Sydney with me. Now, this is a really big mall, keep that in mind. When we were finished, Sydney and Helen walked out before me. As I came out the door, an American woman was standing in the hall. I noticed her, obviously, we stick out! She says, "Kristie?" Can you say CAUGHT OFF GUARD? I am in a foreign country and someone calls me by name? I said, "Yes?" She says to me, "I recognized your daughter, Sydney, as she came out of the bathroom." God has broken Sydney's heart for the orphans continuously and my new friend had seen her on FB raising funds to feed the children of Ghana. So we talk and hug and hug and talk! By this time, our husbands both arrive and her sweet friend that is spending a year with them. As we talked, all I could think of was how God had arranged our meeting. We were both in the same place at the same time. Coincidence? NO, ONLY GOD!
We stood in the mall and talked as God unfolded a beautiful plan. Stacey already knew Sydney had a heart for the street kids and wanted to feed them. Suddenly, she knew of the perfect place. And Stacey and Johnbull were offering to cook for the kids. They were going to help us make this happen. Before we met them, we knew we were going to feed the street kids, but we had no idea how. We needed a way to cook massive amounts of food. God made a way, He showed us His plan.
We arranged to meet them on Friday so Sydney could purchase the supplies to feed 600 children. On Saturday, we drove to the Freedom Center (their children's home) to package the food. The big day was here. The street children were expecting us to arrive at 4 pm. The food wasn't ready yet, so we didn't get there until 5 pm. Most of the children had gone home, but as we pulled up we saw a group of children dressed in their best clothes waiting for us. As we got out of the car, we saw children running down the streets. Running back to get food.
These children were waiting to be fed. Hungry children. Children waiting for God's people to help. It took about 30 minutes to pass out over 550 meals. (Part of the food was left at the Freedom Center for their children. Sydney insisted upon this.) Over 100 children left with nothing. However, these children didn't complain. They just walked away with empty hands. Very hard to watch. How we longed to have more food to pass out. Next time we will. A huge thank you to everyone at City of Refuge Ministries who were Jesus' hands and feet that day.
The plan now? Sydney has a dream, a vision, to set up a weekly feeding program for these kids. In order to do this, she needs financial partners. People willing to support this. For 70 cents, one child will have a meal. Will you help?
I'll leave you with more pics. If you want to see the entire album, go to FB - Kristie Clements O'Leary and click on Ghana Day 7. It is worth your time to see these precious faces. :)

I think her face says it all. The reality of so many children around the world.

Our team

The group waiting as we pulled up.
I'll leave you with one last pic. This young boy carrying my blonde-headed son was just rescued. His story is incredible. There are many children waiting to be saved just like him. Our friends, Johnbull and Stacey, run a ministry - City of Refuge Ministries- to the children of Ghana. Click
here for their website. Powerful!