Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I picked up a Bible study book Monday, flipped it open, and the title was "The Heart of Missions". Most of you are probaly saying, "And?" Well, missions has been on my heart for about 2 weeks now (at least very heavily, it is always on my heart). :) Last week, I kept praying for God to clearly show me what He was trying to tell me. On Sunday, our friend, Reid was preaching on 1 Corinthians 9. He ended by showing a world map. On it, he highlighted the 10/40 window. Basically, it is 10 degrees to 40 degrees latitude and reaches from western Africa to Japan. 2/3 of the world's non-believers live there. There are over 8,000 unreached people groups. People who have never heard about Jesus. Unbelievable! That is so hard for me to imagine. Here I am living a comfortable life in America and there are people who have never heard the Gospel. There are people and CHILDREN starving all over the world. We are Jesus' hands and feet. And we are called to serve him. Praying is a way we can help without ever leaving our house. And there are so many people who need our prayers. Psalm 86:6-7 says, "Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; listen to my plea for grace. In the day of my trouble I call upon you, for you answer me." God hears our prayers. Please join us in prayer for the missionaries serving around the world, for new missionaries to be called to serve Him, for the unreached people groups to hear the glorious story of our King, and lastly for the children of the world. Pray for the ones going to bed hungry or cold tonight. Pray for God to send His servants to them whether here in America or abroad.

Some of the truths I have discovered from my missions bible study this week:
1. God's MISSION is to bring salvation to all his people.
2. MISSIONS is the activity of God in the world through His peole to fulfill the mission.

Matthew 9:37-38 - Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful,but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

Not everyone can be missionaries. God has a plan for everyone's life, but we can show Jesus' love and shine His light everywhere. At the grocery store, to our children and our husbands. The possibilities are endless. Everyone bear with us. This post is truly my heart that I'm trying to sort out. Our hearts are heavy and burdened with so many things. We are seeking His wisdom and guidance. Please pray for us as we seek Him. Pray for our sweet children In Africa. We are ready to hold them close.

1 comment:

Bloggin' Robin said...

Love this post b/c it shows the precious heart of my friend! Love you!