Monday, May 10, 2010

A small reminder

We received new pictures of our sweet children in Africa today. What joy it brought to our family to see new ones, to see how much they have changed. With that, though, is the longing to hold them. (Please keep praying for our court date.) However, God keeps reassuring us that He is guiding us, leading us, and protecting our children. My prayer over the last couple of months has been that our son (he's 5) will protect his little sister (who just turned 3), that he will look after her in the foster home until we can get there. As I looked closely at our new pictures today, this is what I saw. He is holding her hand. To me, it is God gently reminding me that He hears my prayers, that He is protecting my children, loving them, caring for them and ultimately they are His children. We are only being given the gift of them on this earth. We are to raise them up to be strong for Him. Thank you, Jesus, for this gentle reminder today!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

What a blessing! So thankful for His reminders and His perfect timing with them! Hugs to you, I know you can't wait to get there!