Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Underestimating God

Have you ever underestimated God? Well, I have and my most recent time was this week. When our daughter approached me last week about starting her own blog, Feeding the Orphans, and designing t-shirts to sell to actually feed the orphans, I was skeptical. Not to her, only inside! I was afraid people would not buy her shirts because we are doing a t-shirt adoption fundraiser. I was nervous about her not succeeding. Being her mother I didn't want to see her heart be broken. However, I know her and she is in tune with God, as my husband says. So I felt it was my responsibility as her mother and God's child to help her. She has been more than successful, she has sold 34 shirts in 24 hours. If you are wondering, did I read that right? Yes, you did, she sold 34 shirts in 24 hours!!! And she had 120 hits on her blog! So this mama can honestly say I was wrong to be skeptical. God can use anyone to further His kingdom, to spread His word, to reach others for what breaks His heart. And the orphans break His heart deeply. I want to tell everyone thank you so much for supporting our adoption, for praying for us, for supporting sweet Sydney in her vision, for buying her t-shirts. The utter joy on her face when she received an email with her first sale was worth millions. I have never seen her so excited and it brought tears to my eyes. God is using her and I almost discouraged her. Never again will I doubt what God can do through children. He can use any vessel that is willing!!!

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